2017 Photo Gallery

Project 17-18: Loading for the Ukraine – December 16, 2017

Project 17-16: Shipping December 2, 2017 to Kiev, Ukraine

Project # Required: Firefighting equipment for Cebu, Philippines

Container Project 17-02 to Montevideo, Uruguay

Container Project 16-16 to DNSFFAA

Photographs taken on March 8at the meeting held for the official delivery of the donation. Pictures provided by Francisco J. Wins, President and Ernesto J. Argenti, Secretary. Destination Montevideo, Uruguay. 

Container 17-08 – Loading of Half Fire-fighting Supplies and Half Medical Supplies. Shipment on March 18/17, arriving in Cebu on April 26/17.

April 9, 2017, Photos provided by Jun Tallo

RWH Loading on June 3, 2017- Thank our volunteers during our loading

Project 17-16, December 16, 2017 Ski Jackets donated by Mt. Seymour Resort for senior’s in Kiev, Ukraine.

July 2017 – From the Rotary Club of Midtown Tarlac, Phiphilippines

Photographs taken of the 40-foot container van from Rotary World Help upon arrival at Tarlac and unloading of the cargo at the warehouse. Distribution of these items started July 2017.

Pictures from 17-01: loading 1 million meals of dehydrated vegetables and Apple snacks for “Love Guatemala Canada”.

January 3, 2017: Presentation of RWH projects by Steve Gable at the Office of the Provincial Governor, Province of Siquijor,Philippines.

Photos taken during the briefing and orientation on RWH projects given to heads of provincial government offices led by Hon. Zaldy Villa, Provincial Governor,Province of Siquijor, Philippines on January 3, 2017 at the Provincial Governor’s Office.
Said activity was made possible through RWH Director Steve Gable in coordination with  the Rotary Club of Siquijor Island,  Area 3E, RI Dist. 3860. Heart felt thanks to RWH through Rtn. Steve Gable.