As soon as we have the cargo ready, we will schedule a tentative loading and shipping dates. We will then notify the Sponsoring Club. They will be expected to help provide manpower for the container loading.
The Recipient Club will be advised of the shipping and customs details. They will be required to get the container thru customs and oversee the unloading and ensure all of the goods go to the consignee.
Please note: The recipient Rotary Club and the Consignee Do Not have to be the same.
Within 3 months of unloading the container, the Recipient Club must complete the cargo distribution form and send it together with pictures, etc. to Rotary World Help.
The distribution report must be received by Rotary World Help before any other applications to Rotary World Help for another container are considered. No exceptions.
If you have any questions on the process please email:
Jerry Zdril
Director/Shipping Manager
Cell: 604-358-7319