Unloading of Container to Ethiopia in March 2021
Finally we succeed to hand over the medical equipment to the beneficiaries. I was in the front line at Kombolcha hospital where the donated materials reached to the community. Specifically, the government body at the hospital and the mayor of the city were very happy with the medical equipment. The hospital is not functional due to shortage of medical equipment. Thanks to Ato Kebede & our brothers in Canada now it is one step to start to give services for the community. Still the hospital needs additional materials, it is almost empty. My final appreciation goes to Ato Kebede H/mariam his regular follow up and tireless works that this project to be realized. Thank you everyone who put his/her contribution for this life saving project for our people in Ethiopia, especially clients in Kombolcha hospital. We will send you thank you certificates for those who participate in this donation process.
With best regards
Solomon Guta
Director, diaspora & partners relation directorate, Amhara Development Association /ADA/